Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sweet White Violet

T. S. Eliot wrote that "April is the cruelest month".  I don't agree.... though, we are having an unusual Spring in the Northeast, I am thrilled with the nine flowers that I have found so early in the month of April. I am saying this is the Sweet White Violet because of its reddish stem and the cut of the leaves.... but the more I read and try to narrow it down, the more unsure I am. It is indeed fragrant as the Sweet White Violet should be, very sweet.
In reading up on the Sweet White Violet, I read and interesting thing about the insects that go to violets for their nectar..... some cheat! Instead of following the guiding lines on the face of the violet, and going in through the front... some insects cut through the spur, behind the petals and sneak the nectar out that way. Some violets such as the Sweet Violets have sepals that cover the spur and so maybe protecting themselves from insects that would take the violets nectar without helping to pollinate the flower.

Where I found it: In the yard.
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