Sunday, April 22, 2012

Common Winter-Cress

Winter-Cress is also known as Yellow Rocket. This little flower, considered by many as just a weed is a food source to Andrenid bees, and other small bees and flies, also the Cabbage White and other White Butterflies. Some caterpillars of moths and butterflies such as the Checkered White, Cabbage, Falcate Orange Tip, Pyralid Moth, and the Purple Backed Cabbage Worm,
feed on the leaves and or flowers of this plant. Nine different leaf beetles also eat the leaves such as the Stink Bug. The seeds of this plant are a food source for Mourning Doves, cattle and sheep. It is a marvel that this little plant, out in the field all alone, can be so important in the great scheme of things. Does it make you wonder what effect you have on those around you? How many lives do we nourish with friendship, or by listening, visiting, writing, smiling..........

Where I found it : at the edge of a field
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