Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Canada May Flower

Happy May Day! When I was a child I used the Canada May Flower to adorn our  May baskets, because they are so plentiful, and of course lovely. This plant carpets the forests in Massachusetts.  All through the end of April you will see the leaves up and awaiting the flowers. Some plants have two leaves and some have one. I have read that the flowers need the energy and food produced by the two leaves and so it won't flower if there is only one leaf. Next time you are in the woods, see if you find this to be true. The Canada May Flower stands only about three inches high. In the language of the Forest Patawatomi, its name translates Deer Weed. The berries that come after the flowers are eaten by birds and mammals, deer being one. The Patawatomi also carried the root of this plant in their pocket for good luck in winning a game.

Where I found it : In a friends yard
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