Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wild Lupine

 This photo is of just one of the many individual flowers that grace the spike of a plant that is the Lupine. It can be purple,pink or even white. This is what I call a " bee's eye view". Usually on a plant spike that has many flowers covering it .... you notice the beauty of the whole and don't get close enough to see how unique each little flower is. Isn't it surprising? The genus name of this flower is Lupinus perennis. It is from the Latin lupus, which translate to the word Wolf .... It was once thought that this flower would deplete or "wolf" the nutrients in the soil ... but the opposite is true.
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1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! Wild Lupine is one my favorites. It's so nice to see a single flower up close. Thank you Wild Bee!
