Like the Daisy this is a Composite flower, a flower composed of two different flowers, rays and disks. Unlike the daisy, which has many white rays and many,many disk flowers, the Yarrow has a tiny disk made up of a few disk flowers and only five or six rays on each flower. The Yarrow makes up for this by having so many flowers grouped together. The scientific name is Achillea Millefolium.... so it is mentioned in tales of Achilles in ancient Greece, and all through history has been used for what was thought to be its healing qualities. Witches used it in spells, the love lorn used it to devine true love, and the Chinese used it to tell the future. Even many Native Indians of North America give it the status of a native plant because of how much is was used in medicine among the tribes. For such a humble plant it has quite a history.
Where I found it : In a field
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