Ghost Flower and Corpse Plant, are two other names it goes by .... It is cold and clammy to the touch, and a translucent sort of white, much like a corpse is suppose to be... I have always known it to be called Indian Pipe. This flower is not green because it has no chlorophyll and so photosynthesis can not occur. It gets its nutrients by reaching its roots out to fungus in the soil which passes on the nutrients that the fungus gets from decaying plant matter.. When the flower is pollinated the drooping flower head will turn upright to develop the seed capsule. Such and odd little plant. Its differences make it all the more beautiful, so remember to be who
you are, your differences make you unique and beautiful.
Where I found it : In the woods
"He really cares when your head is bowed low..." this of course reminds me of the lily! I love the touch of purple on the edges.