Saturday, September 8, 2012

New England Aster

 This Aster likes its feet wet, or should I say damp. It is also probably the most beautiful Aster. Neltje Blanchan wrote " The flower-heads.... shine out with royal splendor." And Mrs.William Starr Dana wrote, " Probably no (aster) is more striking...." With all its purple and then Monarch butterflies fluttering about them... it is such a sight to see. This Aster can actually be the color of light lavender to a  purplish-blue.... but this is often how I find them. Before the Asters were scientifically renamed this Aster was Aster Novae-Angliae which translates Star of New England. It was renamed Symphyotrichum Novae-Angliae.... which translates with less charm, Fused Hairs Of New England. The word hairs speak of the hairiness of its seeds. The American Indians used the plant in many ways, from treating skin rashes to insanity cures, from smoking it in a pipe to using it to make smoke in their sweat baths. Over all the New England Aster is a  lovely way to usher in the fall colors
Where I found it  : on the side of the road in a bit of swampiness
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