Such a delicate gathering of flowers to have to go by the indelicate name, Hog Peanut. Its scientific name, Amphicarpa, means "seed at both ends". It is unique in that it is self- pollinating. The flowers are very small. In the photo you are seeing a cluster of these flowers, and each individual one is less than a 1/4 inch. Being small, and this cluster is white ( it is more often purple to lavender), it may not attract a lot of insects to aid in the pollination process. To remedy this situation and avoid extinction it has the ability to self pollinate and it produces seeds below ground..... the peanut of this plant. There is a draw back to self pollination, the flower is not benefiting from other plants which may have stronger genetic traits written into its DNA, thus, it is not able to " improve the breed " as my father use to say. So, the ability to produce seeds at the roots and at the flower is why Amphicarpa is part of its scientific name. People and hogs use to part take of this wild delight..... but I have not read about any one eating them today.... I wonder if that is what the pigs that escaped from a neighboring farm were looking for when their snouts excavated the back of our field?
Where I found them : On Mount Tom
Ps. This plant is endangered in New Hampshire

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