Germander Speedwell is another name for this little beauty. The flower is about an half inch across. A friend called to say that she had found a patch. I am glad she did because it is very lovely, though very invasive. This flower grows in most of New England, but as it states in the Falcon guide for New England Wildflowers, Eastern Massachusetts does not have sitings of this flower. I read an article that stated that it can self pollinate. When the season becomes very rainy, the flower closes, as many flowers do, to protect their nectar. Bees, flies, and other insects stay away and under cover from the rain, and don't go about helping in the pollination process. If the rain goes on for days and days and the flowers reproductive parts are mature.... the closeness of the petals in the closed position makes it possible to transport the pollen from the anthers to the stigma, and pollination begins without the help of the insects.
Where I found it : a friends yard
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