There are many different Buttercups. One of my identification guides lists five, another seven, and a third book lists twelve. This one, the Bulbous Buttercup, is very hairy. A German scientist noted that up to sixty-two insects visit the Buttercup family of flowers for its nectar. For us humans it is known to be very caustic. It can cause anything from vomiting to skin ulcers. We don't often use them in bouquets because the petals soon fall off after being picked. As children, we would pick a Buttercup and hold it under our playmates chin to see if they liked butter. The waxy shininess of the flower would reflect yellow light under our chins, and this was a sure sign that we did enjoy butter. They are one of the most recognised flowers along with the Daisy and the Dandelion.... even young children seem to know their name.
Where I found it : in my yard
The buttercup...i saw them in my yard this weekend,the yellow is soooo deep and rich and creamy, looking good enough to eat! I did not know they were poisonous!