I may be part of a dieing breed, but I really enjoy these jolly looking flowers. They come early in the Spring and stay with us, flowering all the way through the Fall. Their name in French is,
Dents de Lion, translating .... teeth of lion.This, some believe, is because of the deeply toothed leaf margins. The Dandelion is actually made up of 100 to 200 rays, which are really tiny-tube shaped flowers, and because there are so many tiny nectar holding flowers on one head, I have read that 93 to 100 species frequent the Dandelion for its nectar. Another delightful thing about this flower is ... remember blowing on them and making a wish when they were in their seed stage. So, when life gets to be too much, do what Opus the comic strip penguin use to do, go and sit in a lawn that still has Dandelions in it, and take a "dandelion break".
Where I found it: In the yard
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